Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bermuda, Bahama...

What a journey already. I landed in Nassua, Bahamas last night around 9pm and by the time I got to the resort, I was disgustingly tired. Note to all: Atlantis Resort isn't that great if you're only staying for 12 hours. I paid something like $10 for a can of Bud Light and $50 for a 5 minute long distance call. Over $400 for the entire 12 hours. Rediculous. I've met some amazing people so far...on my flight from Boston to Atlanta I met this really great woman named Kim. She bought me a bag of M&Ms and told me about all of her travelings; she's an enthusiast who's been to almost all states and travelled with a group called Upward People. She was uber nice.

The ship is every bit as amazing as you'd think...marble and gold everything, people serving you all the time; it's insane. I met a bunch of students today when the work study kids got to board...very diverse but awesome group. I met a bunch of the staff and faculty and they're all wicked chill. My roommate is from the Dominican Republic and she's a sweetheart. Other than that, I haven't and probably won't get to explore the beautiful island but I want to come back. It's dazzling and as soon as I get another free minute, I'll post a picture.

For anyone who's interested, I have unlimited and free e-mail through the ship so that'll be the best way to contact me for the next 4 months. The address is There's more...lots more...but I'll have to finish later. We leave tomorrow night. :)


meredith said...

down to kokomooooo. make sure you aren't getting sunburned! that dazzling island sounds pretty magical and your friends sound pretty sweet. rawr.

Paul said...

$10 for a bud light. What a life!

have fun darling, and keep writing :)

matante parise said...

i chey,your just amazing! im soooo happy for u,and hope they do some thing nice for those por cats,ok luv dew atc and have fun fun fun lol